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Eada Co. For Import & Export - Moustafa RaafatGiza - 6th Of OctoberOur experience in extrusion and surface treatment of all kinds of aluminum profiles system for doors & windows, curtain wall & industrial profiles. We supply extrusion presses, anodizing & powder coating, etc. of the latest automatic computerized German & Italian Chinese technology. Our experienced staff, outstanding management members & professional engineers.
Hashem Freight SystemsDamietta - New DamiettaFounded by Muhammad Sabry Hashem, 2003. A leading company in providing all shipping logistics (land, sea & air), customs clearance (export, import & transit) & internal transport. we also import & export of all Egyptian products & products needed in the Egyptian market for us as well as third parties.
El Amira For Trading, Import & ExportAlexandria - GanaklisA subsidiary of Accountant Gamal Riyad Companies. Leaders in the field of import, export & electrical appliances. Importing for our company as well as third parties at the least commission of 3%. Known for our credibility & commitment to customers satisfaction. Our mission is customer satisfaction by offering services at the highest level of efficiency.
Kspark International Trading Co.El Haram - MadkourA private company specialized in the growing & exporting horticulture crops in accordance to international food safety & quality standards. Accredited as per EU quality standards. Our main crops include grapes, peaches, onion, oranges, sweet potato, garlic, green beans & pulses. For more details concerning our products & services, visit website.
Al Abbas Import, Export & Trading AgenciesAswan - DowntownWhatever your field of business, you can rely on our experts. Dedicated to providing the best transport solutions, that are quick, simple & more effective. Providing independent logistics services that help you reduce risk, & facilitate transport operations. You can learn more about how we can help you reach your goals by visiting our website or contacting us.
El Forsan UnitedMaadi - New MaadiOne of the largest companies in the field of import & export. Our experienced team offers special deals to customers as per international certificates.
Masader International TradingHeliopolis - Ard El GolfOne of the largest companies with over 90 years of experience. Specialized in manufacturing basic and modern home appliances including electrical and lighting appliances, garden and outdoor furniture, hand and power tools, indoor and outdoor paints, wallpaper, home décor, car accessories, sports equipment, toys and pet accessories.
Barakat BrothersShebein El Kawm - SHIBIN EL KAWMBarakat brothers, is a subsidiary of Barakat Group, founded in 1960. Our main aim is to promote safety and convenience for Egypt’s driving population. Our main brands are FALKEN & CEAT. Our products serve passenger, SUV, 4x4 & sports cars.
Systronic Group Co.Alexandria - MiamiA family-owned group of investment companies with global interests & investments. The group provides outstanding cutting-edge services & products worldwide including import & export, shipping & customs clearance, security & protection & safety systems, electronic & software solutions, solar systems, time & attendance control systems, fire alarm & firefighting systems & advanced remote control systems.
El Tib For Trade & Industry - TIBEl Dakahleya - El MansouraOver 10 years of experience. Leaders in manufacturing acrylic bathtubs using modern technology. Our professional & creative team enables us to produce bathtub using creative designs in 12 colors & various sizes that suit everyone. Our raw materials comply with international standard specifications. The best bathtubs in Egypt.