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Arabian Academy For Science & Technology

6 El Mohamady Howaidaq St., Floor 3 - El Kawther - Hurghada

The best solutions & services for education, training, e-learning & distance education in the Middle East & Africa. Get a bachelor's, master's or doctorate without being restricted by your location, grades or year of graduation with certificates offered by major international universities & supported locally & internationally. All you need is to contact us through any of the contact details shown.

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Maadi - Hadayek El Maadi
We offer our services with the highest standards of European quality; we offer certified translation for bodies, embassies, real estate in all languages and in different specialties, i.e. legal, medical, scientific, studies, researches, and postgraduate studies. It also offers, for free, an explanation concerning the procedures of foreigners' marriage, or obtaining a visa, nationality and working in Europe.

Inception For Training & Development
Cairo - Maadi
Training institution headquartered in Arab Republic of Egypt - Cairo, managed by elite of experts and specialists provide their superior quality and excellence in the fields of (economic, Administrative and technical), in the areas of consulting and accurate knowledge, development And training of traditional and non-traditional (online training).

Vogue Center
Heliopolis - Saint Fatima
Established in 2005 as one of the best and largest places in Cairo teaching all dances. We have professional trainers for Ballet, Salsa, Tango, Zumba , Hip Hop and mixed dances. We also teach professional etiquette and modeling. Just give us a call and change your life.

E-Planet For Educational Services
Heliopolis - Roxy
E-PLANET is the leading pioneer in the field of English Language training in Egypt .With 50 schools all over Egypt, E-PLANET is the only company that has the widest coverage area including all territories and Governorates (residential districts, touristic zones and industrial zones) .Driven by innovation, the most up-to-date educational technologies, the unprecedented customer satisfaction standards and exclusive material, E-PLANET became the pioneer in the field of training in Egypt.

Heliopolis - Heliopolis Square
DEALS HR & Recruitment Consultants was established in 2001. Specialized in the Human Resources field & providing payroll, outsourcing, recruitment & other HR services to oil & gas, petroleum, multinational , international & large enterprises through our experience in the HR field.

International British Center - IBC
Cairo - Road El Farag
IBC is the center of an educational institution which aims to promote and develop the skills of individuals and companies in foreign languages and computer that enables you to communicate with the requirements of feature and we teach the following Courses Teaching all foreign languages and prepare for exams (IELTS-TOEFL), All the different computer programs Human resource management programs - E-Marketing – sales

IPC - International & Professional Certifications
Cairo - El Sayeda Zeinab
The center provides courses with elaborative explanation and handouts at the best prices. Certified trainer from Oxford Academy (UK), a member of the American board of trainers. Main courses include FRS 2016 ACCA CertIFR, CIA® 2016 part 1, CMA® 2016 Part 1 and Part 2, Accounting Principles and Cost Accounting .

Arabian Academy For Science & Technology
Cairo - Heliopolis
The best solutions & services for education, training, e-learning & distance education in the Middle East & Africa. Get a bachelor's, master's or doctorate without being restricted by your location, grades or year of graduation with certificates offered by major international universities & supported locally & internationally. All you need is to contact us through any of the contact details shown.

Alex For You
Alexandria - Roushdy
Due to more than 15 years of accumulated experience of our staff in the engineering field, ALEX FOR YOU is capable of providing its esteemed clients the following services: Project Planning, Scheduling, Control & Management Processes, Mechanical Engineering Designs and Engineering Activities Firefighting System Designs.

Computek - CLS Learning Solutions
Giza - Dokki
One of the first and largest training service providers in Egypt. Specializing in networking & IT, security, operating systems, programming and developing, database, Adobe design for advertising or marketing, engineering programs, Autodesk, project management and business training. 21 years of experience in training fields.

Dokki - Giza
Qalaa - Cairo
6th Zone - Nasr City
Mokattam - Cairo
Saba Pasha - Alexandria
El Sheikh Zayed - 6th Of October
El Nozha El Gadida - Cairo
Nasr City - Cairo
3rd District - 6th Of October