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3 Way logistics EgyptEl Sharkeya - 10th Of Ramadanشركة ثري واي تقدم جميع خدمات الشحن الجوي والبحري والتخليص الجمركي علي كافة انواع البضائع نتميز بالخدمة الاحترافية مما ساعد علي بناء علاقة الثقة بيننا وبين العميل ونتميز بالخبرة والجودة في الاداء.
Al Roshd Co. For Logistic Cargo ServicesCairo - Gesr El SuezPioneers in customs clearance, import & export clearance, shipping, airfreight, sea freight, exporting to third parties, importing for third parties, general supplies, drawback, & transit. Responding to customs tariff, regulatory authorities, importing & exporting consultancies with speed & precision.
Al Abbas Import, Export & Trading AgenciesCairo - HeliopolisWhatever your field of business, you can rely on our experts. Dedicated to providing the best transport solutions, that are quick, simple & more effective. Providing independent logistics services that help you reduce risk, & facilitate transport operations. You can learn more about how we can help you reach your goals by visiting our website or contacting us.
SKY Express Courier ServiceCairo - HeliopolisSpecializing in local express mail & packages. Door-to-door services. Banking services including account statement, credit cards, & PIN code delivery. Importing & exporting international shipments including land, marine & air shipments as well as customs clearance.
Al Roshd Co. For Logistic Cargo ServicesAlexandria - El MansheyaPioneers in customs clearance, import & export clearance, shipping, airfreight, sea freight, exporting to third parties, importing for third parties, general supplies, drawback, & transit. Responding to customs tariff, regulatory authorities, importing & exporting consultancies with speed & precision.
Sigma For Custom ServicesAlexandria - Sultan HusseinA group of professionals working in all fields of customs clearance & procedures for all incoming goods. The trusted choice for major companies operating in multiple fields. Import & export for our account or for third parties. Pioneers in providing all logistic services.
Nacita LogisticsCairo - DowntownWhether you are looking for storage space as a temporary replacement in the short term or a long term outsourcing solution, our teams will serve you gladly through our storage services. This includes packaging, 24 hour surveillance & a system of reliable stockpile management. Customs clearance is also one of Nacita's professional services. Since the company is accredited by the National Institute for Customs Training, the team is composed of experts & mediators clearing all kinds of goods in any Egyptian port.
ACS LogisticsAlexandria - BaharyA joint Egyptian Japanese logistics venture. Handling all kinds of goods including dangerous cargo & projects all over the world. Providing customers with tailor-made processes accompanied by value added services in less time & less cost.
Hashem Freight SystemsDamietta - New DamiettaFounded by Muhammad Sabry Hashem, 2003. A leading company in providing all shipping logistics (land, sea & air), customs clearance (export, import & transit) & internal transport. we also import & export of all Egyptian products & products needed in the Egyptian market for us as well as third parties.
SKY Express Co.Cairo - Nasr CityProviding integrated solutions for international & local express mail services, airfreight, customs clearance, importing & exporting. Our highly efficient employees are able to organize freight, customs clearance & delivery services to suit our client's logistics services at the least cost.