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Smart Technology SystemsCairo - HeliopolisDevelopment is the decision for the coming era. Our choice will remain to be the innovative technology provider, having a positive legacy in the Egyptian development system. Commitment to the latest technology is our approach to best serve our treasured customer. Our care & experience are our commitment to customers, partners & the community. Let’s all possess the success spirit & insist on reaching the glory our beloved country deserves.
United Specialized Cables MESC. BeldenNasr City - 6th ZoneAgent & distributor for American, European & Saudi cable factories in Egypt since its inception in 1996. Offering a wide range of special cables & conduits available at our warehousing facility in Egypt. We are promoting top quality & prestigious brands such as MESC, BELDEN, WESTERN TUBE & CONDUIT & WTC.
Nile Techno SoftwareEl Gharbeya - TantaPioneers in software, IT & security systems. Specializing in web design & development & software design including accounting, restaurants, supermarkets, coffee shop, commercial agencies, HR & import & export. Designing android applications. Hardware, networking & supplying computers & supplying & installing surveillance cameras.
Computer & Control Systems Inc. - ComatrolHeliopolis - Ard El GolfComatrol is registered at the Egyptian Contractors Union & classified category "A" specialized contractor. Comatrol has executed over 3000 projects successfully, many are large projects or special projects. Comatrol systems are approved by over 80% of Egyptian consultants.
Tanmia For Training & TradeAlexandria - SemouhaFounded in 2010 to work in multiple activities in the field of training & consulting. Using the finest scientific methods, latest technology & the best local & global expertise. Development is no longer about increasing national or personal income, it includes fundamental aspects of growth, particularly in human development.
JWframeGiza - El HaramJWframe Integrated Solutions specializes in providing infrastructure for digital data transmission solutions including Data, Voice, and Video. Setting up and establishing electronic surveillance systems through designing, implementing, operating & maintaining these networks
Visions For Applied Technology & ContractingCairo - HeliopolisAdvanced integrated solutions for all communication & automatic control technologies and products. Offering our services to various sectors including banking, transportation, communications & security. Providing all electrical contracting for construction projects & companies including light current systems & intercom systems. Also offering solutions for integrated communication, security, voice transmission, wireless networks, WLAN & IPTV.
Global Establishment For Control SystemsEl Sharkeya - El ZagazigImporting, distributing, installing & maintaining surveillance cameras in Egypt. An integrated team of engineers & technicians serving customers nationwide. 5 years guarantee on products, free inspection & 24-hour service. Competitive prices within everyone’s reach. A fleet of vehicles to promptly meet our customers’ needs because customer satisfaction is our primary concern. Our experience with the government sector, private banks & factories guarantees our credibility & performance.
The Egyptian Bureau For Engineering - EBEGiza - DokkiThe leading Egyptian company in various modern technology sectors. Data & voice communications was our first interest with numerous success stories. Whatever your company requirements; from small to enterprise solutions, with different technologies such as copper, fiber, WIMax & microwaves.
Future ControlGiza - DokkiSpecializes in analyzing individual security problems, designing & laying out new or integrated control systems, & supplying access control, time attendance, CCTV (Closed Circuit Television), fire & intruder alarm, fire protection, metal detection & security gate software & hardware.