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Asl El Haloub Co. For Importing & Exporting Natural GheeEl Fayoum - Kom UshimPioneers in manufacturing natural ghee, Egyptian butter, & dairy products. Our motto is better health for a better life. Offering various services through our capabilities, production capacity, & trained, qualified technical team. Experience in getting the work done to satisfy clients & achieve their requests.
Aalam El Agban Factory For Dairy MilkDamietta - FaraskourEstablished by Eng. Ahmed Sami. Over 30 years of experience in manufacturing dairy products including Istanbuli, white, feta, Kiri, Romano , mozzarella & old cheese , yogurt, cream with honey & fruit, morta , fresh ghee, & Syrian labna. Our products comply with international standard specifications & made using high quality ingredients. A highly trained staff serving consumers with competitive prices. Ready to export.
El Zemety FactoriesEl Dakahleya - SherbinFounded in 1956 & managed by Abdul Meguid & Hamada El Zemety. Leaders in the Delta dairy industry. (Romano - Istanbuli - Cottage - Fresh Processed - Mozzarella - Cheddar - Kiri - Morta - Cheese Sauce - Feta - Processed - Cream - Fresh Butter). We recently launched guava, apple & mango juice production lines. Our fleet of vehicles distributes milk all over Egypt.
Asl El Haloub Co. For Importing & Exporting Natural GheeGiza - FaisalPioneers in manufacturing natural ghee, Egyptian butter, & dairy products. Our motto is better health for a better life. Offering various services through our capabilities, production capacity, & trained, qualified technical team. Experience in getting the work done to satisfy clients & achieve their requests.
Alfa Milk Supplying AgencyEl Beheira - EdkuProviding various services through its large production capabilities & highly qualified & trained technicians. Our expertise ensures meeting customer requirements & in turn earning their satisfaction. Exporting fresh cream & recycling it into natural butter & ghee. Packaging for third parties. Producing Romano cheese in 2kg disks. Natural spread cheese, cream, different kinds of honey, white, double cream, dry & pepper cheese.
Elemam For Milk ProductionsEl Gharbeya - El Mahalla El KobraA major company in the field of dairy production including milk & cheese. Exporting products to over 20 countries through our branches worldwide. Producing high-quality organic food &dairy products.