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Srag & Rizk For Trade - Equipment

26 Rd. 100 - Maadi - Cairo
Next to: Near To Maadi 2nd Entrance, Behind Total Gas Station

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Pyramid Poultry Co.
Kaliobeya - Tukh
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

El Radwan Feeds
El Gharbeya - Tanta
One of the best leading animal feed manufacturers in Egypt. Characterized by high quality products & competitive prices. Offering integrated feed for broilers, egg hatchers & trade chicken with all required & balanced nutrients in accordance with International standards to increase growth & improve production & immunity.

El Fagr For Feed
El Beheira - Aboul Matamir
Founded in 2008 with a clear vision to become the number one consumer choice. Aiming to support the poultry & feed industry, maintain food security & national economy by providing the highest quality in the feed market, manufactured using the best international technologies.

El Nour & El Baraka For Poultry Fodder
El Dakahleya - El Mansoura
The best productivity at the lowest cost with poultry weighing over 2,200 grams at 35 days. The highest growth rates & best labs. Pathogen-free feed such as mycotoxins, salmonella, e-coli & clostridia. The best feed additives including vitamins & minerals in Egypt.

Pyramid Poultry Co.
El Beheira - Kom Hamada
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

El Khair Poultry & Animal Feed
El Sharkeya - Belbeis
Specializing in poultry feed production using the latest production lines. We believe feed production is a science & not a trade. Guaranteed quality. Unique mixtures for each type and strain. Fattening poultry feed, egg poultry feed, duck feed, turkey feed & quail feed. Offering high quality at lower prices.

Pyramid Poultry Co.
Giza - Cairo Alex Desert Rd.
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

Pyramid Poultry Co.
El Gharbeya - El Mahalla El Kobra
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

Pyramid Poultry Co.
Giza - El Haram
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

Pyramid Poultry Co.
Assyout - Manfalut
Pyramid Poultry is a fully integrated Egyptian joint stock company in the poultry industry since 1980. Feed products are automatically manufactured using quality raw materials for the best conversion rates. The company has feed and oil factories, broiler and breeder farms, a hatchery, and an automated slaughterhouse.

Tanta - El Gharbeya
Hadayek Helwan - Cairo
Badr City - Cairo
10th Of Ramadan - El Sharkeya
El Nozha El Gadida - Cairo
Obour City - Kaliobeya
6th Of October - Giza