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Water World International

El Azizy St. Off Misr Aswan Agricultural Rd. - Ard Shalaby - El Menia
Next to: Beside Faculty Of Dentistry - Minia University

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Egyptian Emirates Co.
Cairo - Maadi
Special offers for companies, factories & villas. 25 years of experience in ACs & water filters. Authorized distributor for major AC companies. Specializing in maintenance. Supplying devices with guarantee, comprehensive supplies. Central AC for villas & buildings. Choose from multiple installment systems.

Water Engineering
Heliopolis - Sheraton Bldgs.
Established in 2008 as a full water solutions company. Delivering operation & maintenance services & solutions to the public & private sector. WE is experienced in complete RO plant installations, operation & maintenance contracts, training & retaining staff to maximize customer benefit without compromising service quality.

Concept International
Alexandria - Sporting
Treating water from all sources including municipal water, swimming pools, boilers, chillers, cooling towers, sewage, & industrial wastewater. Designing, supplying, installing & maintaining centralized RO, industrial wastewater, boiler & chiller treatment stations. Special section for supplying all treatment chemicals. Special section for home & industrial filters.

Fresh Tank Service - FTS
Maadi - Degla
A certified water tank cleaning company, keen on providing safe drinking water through using the latest technologies & scientific balanced chemicals complying with World Health Organization (WHO) standards.

Aqua Pure Nile
Maadi - El Arab
Special discount for Yellow Pages’ customers on water treatment chemicals, drinking water treatment for homes, offices, embassies and banks, central units for buildings and villas, well water treatment for industrial and agricultural purposes, water treatment for swimming pools, boilers and fountains, treatment of river and ocean water for yachts, boats and resorts and kidney dialysis water units.

Soteer Group For Water Treatment
Cairo - Gesr El Suez
Since 1999. A leading drinking water treatment company in Egypt. We are glad to offer our customers the best reverse osmosis water treatment units, the optimum solution for all drinking water problems which cause diseases including renal failure, stones and hepatitis.

Sigma Aquatics Water Technology
Cairo - Nasr City
Professional & innovative supplier of water treatment & filtration products for commercial, industrial & governmental customers. Sigma Aquatics is a soul distributor & agent of Laxness RO membranes, GE RO anticipants & filters, Bel pressure vessels & Fedco high pressure pumps. Our products are freighted across Egypt & around the Arab world.

Amwag Group Water Treatment & Solar Energy
El Dakahleya - Aga
Established in 2008, working in the fields of water treatment & solar energy. Offering the finest international products. The company added new sections including swimming pool & sports facility supplies. A distinguished specialized team offering superior aftersales services. Our previous work includes water filters, water plants, solar heaters, artificial grass & swimming pools.

Al Nada Engineering Services
Kaliobeya - El Khanka
Manufacturing, installing & supplying all requirements & facilities for water plants, water desalination, sewage treatment, industrial & firefighting network systems, piping of all kinds & uses as well as pressure vessels & storage tanks. Manufacturing variety of iron, stainless steel & water plants filters.

Nile Contracting & Engineering Consultations - NILCON
Cairo - Mokattam
Established in 1991 for the sole of the purpose of providing qualified services in the mechanical, civil and electromagnetically engineering fields. Since then, we have expanded into the oil and gas industry serving some major clients in the world. We built our reputation for excellence while respecting budget & time constraints.

Maadi - Cairo
Sheraton Bldgs. - Heliopolis
Faisal - Giza
Heliopolis - Cairo
El Obour District - Ismaileya
Nasr City - Cairo
Manial El Roda - Cairo